Chinese Herbal Medicine is often used in conjunction with acupuncture to further treat ailments, particularly those internal in nature. The use of natural herbs in ancient and well researched recipes combine to make non-invasive yet thorough treatment opt
View MoreErbalesque beauty and wellness products are rooted in many years of intensive study of wisdom and practice of doctors of traditional Chinese medicine from ancient to modern times. Our philosophy came from the prevention as essential of health from Yellow
View More1. Eczema 2. Rosacea 3. Acne 4. Hypersensitive skin 5. Skin Allergies 6. Skin Renew 7. Ideal Weight
View More1. Pain reliever 2. Pain relief & relaxing gift set 3. Acute Pain Patch 4. Chronic Pain Patch 5. Knee Pain Patch
View More1. Constipation 2. Liver Cleanser 3. General Detox 4. Food Poison 5. IBS
View More1.Mood Regulator 2. Stress Relief 3. Calming 4. Sleep & Soothing Relaxation 5. Rest Body & Massage Oil 6. Recovery Body & Massage Oil 7. Foot Soak Therapy 8. IBS
View More1. Immunobooster 2. Covid 3. Allergies 4. Common Cold 5. Autoimmune Enhancer
View MoreYouth Return Formula: This formula includes powerful anti-aging herbs that help to stimulate and enhance both physical and mental stamina.
View More1. Power Restore 2. Balance Restore 3. Energy Rebuild 3. Energy Rebuild 5. Long Covid
View More1. Love Collection Set 2. Digestive Health 3. Soothing Travels 4. Herbal Tea Sampler Gift Set 5. Pain Relief & Relaxing Gift Set 6. Essential Oils 7. Patches - Select your own sets
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